This is package contains the main server components of the ODBC Pathway project. There is a Windows Service, a Windows Standalone Server, a test application (It tests against an ODBC datasource on my machine so may well not work on yours!) and a .NET assembly (a dll) which contains the main server logic.
PathwaySetup-0.1.0.msi - Beta (Not confirmed stable, but with all major functions implimented)
No releases are yet available
No releases are yet available
This DLL is no longer required by the Windows server and libraries. The files here include the DLL (Including the debugging version), Link Library and C/C++ include files so you can build your own applications using the services provided by HaqaTools.dll. You do not need this download to run the any of the packages above.
HaqaTools-0.1.1.msi - Pre-Alpha (Neither stable nor completed)
HaqaTools-0.1.0.msi - Pre-Alpha (Neither stable nor completed)